Socio Economic Studies & Surveys

Socio-economic survey

The survey includes tailor-made sample/ household survey as per clients’ requirements, with structured questionnaire. Socio Economic Survey is aimed to study the social behavior, economic conditions of people, future trend, Peoples’ opinion, demand of market, levels of satisfaction, perception of improvement regarding any suggested pan or program and so on. This survey is the only direct way to come in contact with the people of the area being surveyed and to get the people’s reaction and acceptability of some already worked out proposals/plans.


Different types of surveys such as geological, topological, cross section survey, contour survey etc. are being carried out by PAN team with accuracy. Various types of maps are being generated by PAN team on the basis of scientific study on Geology, Geomorphology, Slope factor analysis, Aggradational and Degradational facies, Soil, Land use, Land Capability etc. in consultation with secondary data and first hand field experience.

GPS and Total Station Survey

The survey includes identification of land with proper geographic administration including coordinates, altitude with respect to mean sea level.

Drone Survey

For terrain assessments the survey captures highly precise data quickly without the need of surveying staff to walk over dangerous terrain or height to collect the information.

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