Since its inception in the year 2000, PAN has been doing a large number of Projects in various fields of Development. Completed a number of projects in Watershed Management, River Rejuvenation, Water Conservation Planning, Geo-hydrological studies, Wetland Study and Flood Analysis. It also completed projects in Infrastructure mapping, Urban Geo-Spatial modelling and analysis, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Development of GIS database. It provided services to renowned corporates in the Identification of Potential Market, GIS Database creation on Retail Outlet etc. It provided services to different Multilateral Institutions like World Bank, DFID, ADB, JBIC, Union Govt. State Governments, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), PSUs and Private Sector etc.


  • Nippon Koei Co. Ltd.
    Providing services for survey on use of natural resources in West Bengal under Prepatory survey of the project for forest and biodiversity conservation for climate resilience enhancement in West Bengal, India.
  • Westbengal Government
    Govt. of West Bengal
    a. Geo-hydrological study and preparation of River Rejuvenation plan for Bhairab River Murshidabad District.
    b. Geo-hydrological study and preparation of River Rejuvenation plan for Kulik River Uttar Dinajpur District.

  • Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd.
    Study on land use, hydrology and hydro-geology in the Tata Steel SEZ area in Gopalpur, Behrampur block, Gonjam district, Odisa.

  • Royal Govt. of Bhutan
    Training given on particular GIS software to officials of Royal Govt. of Bhutan.

  • Energo Engineering Projects: LTd.
    GIS database creation for IGEA project at Ujjain Municipal Corporation, Madhya Pradesh.

  • Paul Hamlyn Foundation
    a. Provide support to Savera Foundation for Water conservation planning and implementation in 10 villages of Thansinghdih Panchayat, Tisri block, District Giridih, Jharkhand.
    b. Provide support to Chale Chalo for water conservation planning and implemen- tation in 9 villages of two Gram Panchayats in Sinapali block, Nuapada Block, Odisha.

  • Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra (Usha Martin Group Rural Dev. Initiative)
    An India Canada Environment Facility (ICEF) funded project. Detailed study and planning on water resources conservation and conjunctive utilisation for environ- mental restoration in tribal area of Patratu Block, Hazaribagh district Jharkhand. 

  • NTPC Limited
    Geo-hydrlogical and geomorphologic study of sub-watershed area for the preparation of Detailed Project Report for supply of drinking water to selected mining resettelement and rehabilitation villages of Jharkhand, India. 

  • TATA Iron & Steel Company
    Study and measurement of soil erosion around Jamshedpur steel city area using RUSLE method.

  • TATA Steel Rural Development Society
    NRM study of different watersheds for Integrated Rural Development Projects in different Blocks of the Jharkhand. This includes detailed hydrological study for watershed development planning in the draught prone sector of the rural areas, involving villagers in the planning process.

  • Damador Valley Corporation
    Geo-hydrological, Geo-morphological and socio-economic study of watersheds around Tilaya resrvoir and preparation of Watershed Management Plan for soil and water conservation.

    (a) Development of a scientific Watershed Management plan with the help of the stake-holders in Tijara Block of Alwar District, Rajasthan with satelliet data for the preparation of GIS model.
    (b) Scientific study of watershed area for Watershed Development Projects in different Blocks of the Bihar State and creation of GIS database on watersheds.
    (c) Scientific study and development of Watershed Management plan through GIS for proposed structural measures for poverty alleviation in the rural areas of Abu Road Block, Rajasthan.
    (d) District-wise mapping of wasteland through GIS for livelihood analysis of Chattish- garh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and MP.

  • Ramkrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad
    Scientific study of natural resources including soil taxonomy and hydrological behaviour of certain part of Bankura District, West Bengal, for Joint Forest management. It led to creation of a comprehensive GIS database for project management. 

  • Institute for Financial Management & Research
    Calculation of mean NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) for estimation of Crop Coverage for selected Villages of Chhatishgarh and Andhra Pradesh from satellite images for crop insurence.

  • Paharpur Cooling Towers
    Determination of landuse characteristics with the help of satellite image and field study for Mini Township Project site at Joka, Kolkata.

  • World Bank
    (a) Preparation of GIS based digital data model for village level poverty mapping and assessment of poverty through small area estimation for the state of West Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa and Accessibility index of villages were prepared.
    (b) Development of GIS based user-friendly web portal with thematic maps on various themes like education centres, road network, health centres, historical places etc. for National Statistical Bureau, Royal Government of Bhutan.
    (c). Updation of database on GIS platform for road network of Afganistan in order to analyse accessibility, community level service delivery and poverty. 

  • London School of Economics
    Preparation of village level GIS database of India for classification as per Development index.

    Preparation of GIS data base for village level Poverty mapping through, Study of Small Area Estimates of selected welfare indicators for Uttaranchal with special reference to geomorphological and geo-hydrological study. The project was under World Food Programme- Exicuted jointly with India Development Foundation.

    Preparation of GIS based thematic maps of AILA (Natural calamity) affected areas of Sunderbans, South 24-Parganas,West Bengal.

  • University of Calcutta
    Landuse/ landcover mapping and spatial analysis of demography of East Calcutta Wetland.

  • Administrative Staff
    College of India
    (a) Providing GIS support for preparation of Slum Free City Plan of Action of Guwahati Municipal Corporation under Rajiv Awas Yogona (RAY).
    (b) Slum mapping in Guwahati Municipal are through GPS as a part of preparation of Slum Free City Plan of Action under Rajiv Awas Yogona (RAY).

  • Reserve Bank of India
    GIS based analysis and report on flood of West Bengal. In this project the flood affected crop areas were demarcated and an analysis was made.

  • West Bengal School Service Commission
    Creation of GIS based DSS for education incorporating all school database at village level for augmenting the district level education program and literacy drive. 

  • Claritas India
    Updation of road network of Greater Mumbai through Satellite Images and field visit. Number of ground survey was conducted and ward-wise important land marks were plotted on GIS platform.

  • A.C.Neilsen-ORG Marg
    Retail outlet mapping on GIS platform in different metro cities. eradication program.

  • Catholic Relief Services
    Preparation of a workable model in GIS database and development of Decision Support System for entire India enabling CRS to plan and reorganize their various development programs with respect to their partner organizations.

  • Institute for Financial Management & Research
    (a) Preparation of base maps, database and selected layers for Thanjavur and iruvarur districts of Tamil Nadu.
    (b) Creation of GIS database for all districts of India, based on census data.

  • Arohan Financial Services
    GIS based mapping of potential markets and different banks at block level for selected districts of West Bengal.

  • Disha group of Companies, Raipur
    Development of GIS database for Election Commission of Chattisgarh State for restructuring of different constituencies.

  • Royal Government of Bhutan
    Imparting training on Geographic Information System (GIS) to RGoB Executives. 

  • TCIL Bell South
    Training of senior developers on basis of project management.

  • Netaji Subhas Open University
    Design, development and maintenance of Web Portal of the University, including development of e-Learning Management System.

  • GfK Mode Pvt.Ltd.
    Preparation of GIS based interactive Decision Support Tool. 

    Development of a Decision Support System for financial engineering of Regional Rural Banks (operating at District level). Operational areas of 194 Regional Rural Banks sponsored by 26 nationalised banks were marked with district wise demography for all the districts across the country. The financial data of the respective RRBs with merger facilities allows the decision maker to see the financial performance of RRBS in the backdrop of demography.

  • Ramkrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad
    Development of an user-friendly bi-lingual (English and Bengali) participatory GIS software “Gram Vikash Parikalpana” for stakeholders’ meaningful participation in Joint Forest Management Project for Micro level planning.

  • DFID
    (a) Running Project Management Unit (PMU) under KUSP, Change Management Unit for Rajiv Awaas Yojona, a Government of India programme, jointly with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited and Administrative Staff College of India, for for preparation of slum free city development plan.
    (b) Running Project Management Unit (PMU) under KUSP, Change Management Unit for Housing for All, a Government of India programme, jointly with ICF GHK International Company and Administrative Staff College of India,for preparation of municipal plan.

  • Municipal Affairs Department GoWB
    Appraisal of Draft Development Plans prepared by different Municipalities. 

  • Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
    Study of the delivery system the handicraft artisans’ livehood in selected districts and generation of a comprehensive system for developmet of the for developmet of the same Sectoral, segmental and spatial analysis has been done after creation of a district-wise database on artisans’ livehood in the backdrop of their natural resources and market connectivity. 

  • IL & FS
    Preparation of a detailed plan for the bamboo based cluster devlopment in Tripura for Tripura Bamboo Mission.

  • Jalpaiguri Municipality
    Preparation of Development Plan for five years on Municipal Institutional Strengthening, including collection of various data, detailed socio-economic survey, development of landuse landcover map, conducting stakeholders meetings, situation analysis. The planning incorporates infrastucture development plan, slum infrastructure, local economy, health, education and organisation development etc.

  • Cooch Behar Municipality
    Preparation of Development Plan for five years on Municipal Institutional Strengthening, including collection of various data, detailed socio-economic survey, development of landuse land cover map, conducting stakeholders meetings,situation analysis. The planning incorporates infrastructure development plan, slum infrastructure, local economy, health, education and organisation development etc.

  • Titagarh Municipality
    (a) Preparation of Development Plan for five years on Municipal Institutional Strengthen- ing including collection of various data, detailed socio-economic survey, develop- ment of landuse landcover map, conducting stakeholders meetings, situation analysis. The planning incorporates infrastructure development plan, slum infrastructure, local economy, health, education and organization development etc.
    (b) Detailed process & job study and Preparation of Organisational restructuring plan.
    (c) Training imparted to the Councillors and selected Executives on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on effective Municipal Operation.
    (d) Market potential survey for the articles produced by local SHGs and preparation of detailed action plan.

  • Haldia Municipality
    Preparation of Development Plan for five years on Municipal Institutional Strengthening, including collection of various data, detailed socio-economic survey, development of landuse land cover map, conducting stakeholders meetings,situation analysis. The planning incorporates infrastructure development plan, slum infrastructure, local economy, health, education and organisation development etc.

  • Kalyani Municipality
    Preparation of Development Plan for five years on Municipal Institutional Strengthening, including collection of various data, detailed socio-economic survey, development of landuse landcover map, conducting stakeholders meetings,situation analysis. The planning incorporates infrastructure development plan, slum infrastructure, local economy, health, education and organisation development etc. 

  • National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD)
    Monitoring and evaluation of Watershed and Wadi (Orchard) projects funded by NABARD with focused study on existing institutional system of the watersheds, its socio-economic impact on the watershed community, qualiative quantitive / assessment of various structures and land use measures etc. 

  • Envirochek
    Hydro-geological study in Torpa block, jharkhand as a part of ENvironmental Impact Assessment for Integrated Steel Plant for L N Mittal Group. Divine Vidyut Detailed geological and socio-economic study and preparation of CSR report

  • IDF
    World Food Programme of United Nations project conducted by India Development foundation. Successfully generated GIS database for Small Area Estimation of Poverty for Uttaranchal. Village level analysis of poverty and Nutrition and identification of the areas with higher incidence of poverty and malnutrition for United Nations poverty
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